Seven & a half months have passed since the day I had a gastrectomy. I can still recall that morning with such clarity.... I was so upset.
And now even I am amazed at my recovery. All of a sudden, about 1 month ago, the vomiting (or regurgitation as I have referred to it previously) just stopped. I couldn't believe it at first....and didn't tell anyone until at least a week had passed. (I was very excited). Now, it is only on the odd occasion that during those first few mouthfuls of a meal, I may feel something similar to a lump in my throat, but rather, a lump down lower, perhaps where the join between my oesophagus and intestines sits, and then a light 'hot flush' feeling overcomes me. I just stop, put my fork down and take some slow, deep breaths and wait 30 seconds or so until it passes, and I'm good to go!
I've even started drinking coffee again and I'll have one most mornings. My family all went to dinner Sunday night for mum's 60th at a lovely Thai restaurant....I ate so much food! And with no consequences! I even ate white rice with my Chicken Panang Curry. (I did come home and just sit for about a half hour or so as I felt rather full). This full feeling is different to the full feeling I had felt prior to the surgery. It actually feels like I filled up my intestines with so much food, that it was 'brimming over the top', up into the chest area and I had to just wait until I passed some gas and the food that was 'brimming over the top' had a chance to slide down a little further. (Sorry about the detail.....).
Something else I realised whilst reflecting recently is that I haven't had hiccups since the surgery! Bazaar..... And I still don't have an appetite. I never feel hungry or have any 'hunger pains' or tummy rumblings. I do feel something that I can only describe as a 'bubbling' in my oesophagus that occurs now and then, and this triggers me to stop and think about when it was that I actually ate last. Usually, it had been a few hours and can be fixed with a snack or a meal.
If I have eaten too much at any one sitting, for example a heavy pasta dish of the same serving size pre surgery, I will sometimes get the shakes and feel light headed, about an hour later. I think this may have something to do with my blood sugar levels increasing rapidly? I settle it down quickly by having something to eat. (Yes, more food...weird, I know!)
I had a blood test at 6 months and waited ages for the results to come in. Finally, a week later, I called the surgery and found out that they had no need to call me as my results were all normal! That was a surprise. I am taking a sublingual B12 and Iron tablet each day and have had three B12 injections in 7 months. Last week I got to a point where I just couldn't focus on anything, everything became very vague and I was becoming flaky. I had to check how long it had been since my last B12 shot, it was 9 weeks. I might make a note in my diary for about the 8 week mark....the B12 boost certainly makes me feel more energised.
My weight is still exactly the same, 60.2 kilos. That surprises me too. I have stopped obsessing and only weigh myself once a week now. I am happy with my body shape & size and it would be great if I can maintain it, as it is.
Something I don't think I have mentioned previously is that between months 3 - 6 post surgery, I was shedding a larger than usual amount of hair. My hair is collar length, fine and naturally wavy and there is a lot of it. Or should I say, was a lot of it. At first, I just thought it was the usual summer moulting, but I was losing handfuls of hair each time I combed it of a morning, more on the days I washed it. Even my hairdresser noticed the difference in the volume of hair, but she was quick to point out all the new growth occurring. The hair loss has settled down now and I will just have to deal with lots of little fly aways as this new growth comes in. I think hair loss has something to do with the trauma the body has been through and perhaps a lack of protein.
To wrap it up, I am remarkably well! We (my husband, 2 kids & I) even went camping a couple of weekends ago with the car club for 2 nights. Food was not an issue and I even had a beer! And for the first time ever, I drag raced my husbands 1972 Valiant that was an adrenalin rush.....
P.S. Thank you Karen & Cindy, I really appreciate and value your feedback and comments.x
Tammy. What a great post. I'm sooo glad to hear things are giong well for you. It's very encouraging.