I seem to have 'pulled a muscle' or something in the area where my stomach would have resided, behind the scar. It feels like a muscle tear and I am hoping that it repairs itself in the next day or two. The pain when I sneezed earlier on this evening, was more excruciating than the pain I felt just after the surgery itself. I hope that it is not a hernia. I don't know what a hernia may feel like, so I shall just wait and see what happens, and try to take it a little easier. What a bugger! I am a little cranky with myself, I think this has occurred simply from over extending my stomach muscles, not that there is much strength or muscle tone in their to begin with...
May be suffering a little from constipation; stopped taking the Iron tablets due to this problem occurring and switched to a liquid iron supplement. Have been taking about 4mls every other day and still don't seem to be as regular as I was a few months ago. I should really become a little more vigilant in this area as I need to ensure that my Iron levels increase significantly. I could definately benefit from drinking more fluids too. Still not able to drink water on its own; have been mixing a little Gatorade powder in with my water and I seem to be able to tolerate that ok.
Back onto full cream milk, which surprised me. Not that I have much anyway, just a little in my coffee/tea and cereal from time to time. It tastes just fine. I have actually come to a point in my journey through my recovery post gastrectomy where I have 'run out of things to try and eat'. I have tried everything! All the yummy treats, the fast foods, the pastas, meats, dairy, nuts, alcohol, breads and cereals, fruits and vegetables; I can eat them all! There is nothing left that I would like to try and eat again, I've eaten it!
The biggest changes for me post gastrectomy thus far are:
1. I no longer like ice cream or chocolate - they tend to make me feel 'sickly' after eating them.
2. No desire to drink alcohol - I can drink it, but it just doesn't 'appeal'.
3. Water - drinking water on its own makes me feel nauseous.
I have actually GAINED some weight ALREADY !!! I can't believe it! I have put on about 1.5 kilos (3lb's) in the last month following a holiday to Ballarat Victoria. I actually feel a little uncomfortable around my middle. . . .mmmm, may cut back on some of the junk food.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
First Anniversary
Eating. No major dramas. I eat everything and anything. Still a little cautious with white rice. I pay particular attention to eating rice slowly because if I don't, it often finds its way back up. If I gulp my food or take too large of a mouthful and don't chew it up really well, this too can cause some discomfort. I am eating breakfast, morning tea snack, lunch (usually left overs from dinner the night before), afternoon tea snack, dinner at about 6.30pm and another small dinner at about 9pm. Sometimes I may also have a small meal at about 4pm, if I am at home. I no longer desire icecream or chocolate and rarely partake in these indulgences. Its hasn't stopped me from trying though. . . This has been a BIG change for me as previously, I would eat copious amounts of icecream!
Drinking. Still not able to drink water confidently. I do attempt sipping some from time to time and I am very aware that I need to pay some more attention to increasing my fluid intake. I will have 3/4 of a cup of coffee in the morning, a soft drink (can of coke, lift) or juice, half a cup of tea in the afternoon and a juice or sips of water in the evening. No desire for alcohol but have enjoyed a couple of sips of beer from time to time. I have switched to A2 milk (an easily digestible milk) and use it in my coffee, tea, cereal and protein shake.
Weight. Stable. I dropped 1.5 kilos in the second week of May when I picked up a head cold (typical for me at the start of Winter each year). I just didn't feel like eating very much for two days and poof! I shed 1.5 kilos (3 pounds). This freaked me out a little and prompted me to add in the 9pm meal of an evening. Have gained back just .5 kilo. Currently maintaining 59.2 kilos (130 lbs). I have a healthy BMI of 22 and I am in the middle of the recommended weight range for my height. Total loss to date, 17.4 kilos (38 lbs).
Vitamins. Just received my 12 month (post gastrectomy) blood test results today. My Iron levels are too low and I have to begin a supplement of Iron tablets every second day. B12 levels are good, having B12 injections every 8 weeks. Drinking an ISOWhey Protein drink most days, mixed with A2 milk.
Exercise. Haven't been to the gym in several months now. I was going at least twice a week but found I was getting very tired and headachey, particularly on the 'gym' days. And my life is SO very busy, I am finding it a real challenge, fitting it in. Planning to begin a new regime with the more achievable goal of attending the gym at least once a week (at least until my membership runs out at the end of the year). Will reassess then. Do lots of incidental exercise, particularly with the kids.
Work/Study. Doing 4 - 6 Tupperware parties per month and managing well with this workload. Attending evening meetings twice a month. Lifting large and awkard boxes (filled with Tupperware) and carrying heavy bags in and out of the car and homes. Studying to become a Teacher Aide at TAFE, attending the college every Thursday morning. I completed two weeks of Vocational Placement (prac) as a Teacher Aide in a kindergarten in May, working 6 hours a day, five days a week....was very challenging. The first two days of each week I endured a massive headache and was very exhausted during, and for a about five days after the prac. Not sure if I am looking forward to another 2 weeks of prac in August as I am concerned about coping physically. The work is not difficult but I think that it is more of a challenge for me as this is the first time I have been back to 'fulltime work' since having children, and it is an entirely new and unfamiliar work environment. I am thinking that maybe working 3 days per week would be more manageable for me at this point in time, and in my life.
Life. Very busy! With a husband, two children under five, a dog, a household, groceries, washing, ironing, cooking, baking, swimming lessons, school and kindy drop off and pick up, studying, assignments, and a half a dozen Tupperware parties thrown in here and there....I never seem to stop! And don't want to either!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Where does the time go....
Seven & a half months have passed since the day I had a gastrectomy. I can still recall that morning with such clarity.... I was so upset.
And now even I am amazed at my recovery. All of a sudden, about 1 month ago, the vomiting (or regurgitation as I have referred to it previously) just stopped. I couldn't believe it at first....and didn't tell anyone until at least a week had passed. (I was very excited). Now, it is only on the odd occasion that during those first few mouthfuls of a meal, I may feel something similar to a lump in my throat, but rather, a lump down lower, perhaps where the join between my oesophagus and intestines sits, and then a light 'hot flush' feeling overcomes me. I just stop, put my fork down and take some slow, deep breaths and wait 30 seconds or so until it passes, and I'm good to go!
I've even started drinking coffee again and I'll have one most mornings. My family all went to dinner Sunday night for mum's 60th at a lovely Thai restaurant....I ate so much food! And with no consequences! I even ate white rice with my Chicken Panang Curry. (I did come home and just sit for about a half hour or so as I felt rather full). This full feeling is different to the full feeling I had felt prior to the surgery. It actually feels like I filled up my intestines with so much food, that it was 'brimming over the top', up into the chest area and I had to just wait until I passed some gas and the food that was 'brimming over the top' had a chance to slide down a little further. (Sorry about the detail.....).
Something else I realised whilst reflecting recently is that I haven't had hiccups since the surgery! Bazaar..... And I still don't have an appetite. I never feel hungry or have any 'hunger pains' or tummy rumblings. I do feel something that I can only describe as a 'bubbling' in my oesophagus that occurs now and then, and this triggers me to stop and think about when it was that I actually ate last. Usually, it had been a few hours and can be fixed with a snack or a meal.
If I have eaten too much at any one sitting, for example a heavy pasta dish of the same serving size pre surgery, I will sometimes get the shakes and feel light headed, about an hour later. I think this may have something to do with my blood sugar levels increasing rapidly? I settle it down quickly by having something to eat. (Yes, more food...weird, I know!)
I had a blood test at 6 months and waited ages for the results to come in. Finally, a week later, I called the surgery and found out that they had no need to call me as my results were all normal! That was a surprise. I am taking a sublingual B12 and Iron tablet each day and have had three B12 injections in 7 months. Last week I got to a point where I just couldn't focus on anything, everything became very vague and I was becoming flaky. I had to check how long it had been since my last B12 shot, it was 9 weeks. I might make a note in my diary for about the 8 week mark....the B12 boost certainly makes me feel more energised.
My weight is still exactly the same, 60.2 kilos. That surprises me too. I have stopped obsessing and only weigh myself once a week now. I am happy with my body shape & size and it would be great if I can maintain it, as it is.
Something I don't think I have mentioned previously is that between months 3 - 6 post surgery, I was shedding a larger than usual amount of hair. My hair is collar length, fine and naturally wavy and there is a lot of it. Or should I say, was a lot of it. At first, I just thought it was the usual summer moulting, but I was losing handfuls of hair each time I combed it of a morning, more on the days I washed it. Even my hairdresser noticed the difference in the volume of hair, but she was quick to point out all the new growth occurring. The hair loss has settled down now and I will just have to deal with lots of little fly aways as this new growth comes in. I think hair loss has something to do with the trauma the body has been through and perhaps a lack of protein.
To wrap it up, I am remarkably well! We (my husband, 2 kids & I) even went camping a couple of weekends ago with the car club for 2 nights. Food was not an issue and I even had a beer! And for the first time ever, I drag raced my husbands 1972 Valiant Charger....now that was an adrenalin rush.....
P.S. Thank you Karen & Cindy, I really appreciate and value your feedback and comments.x
And now even I am amazed at my recovery. All of a sudden, about 1 month ago, the vomiting (or regurgitation as I have referred to it previously) just stopped. I couldn't believe it at first....and didn't tell anyone until at least a week had passed. (I was very excited). Now, it is only on the odd occasion that during those first few mouthfuls of a meal, I may feel something similar to a lump in my throat, but rather, a lump down lower, perhaps where the join between my oesophagus and intestines sits, and then a light 'hot flush' feeling overcomes me. I just stop, put my fork down and take some slow, deep breaths and wait 30 seconds or so until it passes, and I'm good to go!
I've even started drinking coffee again and I'll have one most mornings. My family all went to dinner Sunday night for mum's 60th at a lovely Thai restaurant....I ate so much food! And with no consequences! I even ate white rice with my Chicken Panang Curry. (I did come home and just sit for about a half hour or so as I felt rather full). This full feeling is different to the full feeling I had felt prior to the surgery. It actually feels like I filled up my intestines with so much food, that it was 'brimming over the top', up into the chest area and I had to just wait until I passed some gas and the food that was 'brimming over the top' had a chance to slide down a little further. (Sorry about the detail.....).
Something else I realised whilst reflecting recently is that I haven't had hiccups since the surgery! Bazaar..... And I still don't have an appetite. I never feel hungry or have any 'hunger pains' or tummy rumblings. I do feel something that I can only describe as a 'bubbling' in my oesophagus that occurs now and then, and this triggers me to stop and think about when it was that I actually ate last. Usually, it had been a few hours and can be fixed with a snack or a meal.
If I have eaten too much at any one sitting, for example a heavy pasta dish of the same serving size pre surgery, I will sometimes get the shakes and feel light headed, about an hour later. I think this may have something to do with my blood sugar levels increasing rapidly? I settle it down quickly by having something to eat. (Yes, more food...weird, I know!)
I had a blood test at 6 months and waited ages for the results to come in. Finally, a week later, I called the surgery and found out that they had no need to call me as my results were all normal! That was a surprise. I am taking a sublingual B12 and Iron tablet each day and have had three B12 injections in 7 months. Last week I got to a point where I just couldn't focus on anything, everything became very vague and I was becoming flaky. I had to check how long it had been since my last B12 shot, it was 9 weeks. I might make a note in my diary for about the 8 week mark....the B12 boost certainly makes me feel more energised.
My weight is still exactly the same, 60.2 kilos. That surprises me too. I have stopped obsessing and only weigh myself once a week now. I am happy with my body shape & size and it would be great if I can maintain it, as it is.
Something I don't think I have mentioned previously is that between months 3 - 6 post surgery, I was shedding a larger than usual amount of hair. My hair is collar length, fine and naturally wavy and there is a lot of it. Or should I say, was a lot of it. At first, I just thought it was the usual summer moulting, but I was losing handfuls of hair each time I combed it of a morning, more on the days I washed it. Even my hairdresser noticed the difference in the volume of hair, but she was quick to point out all the new growth occurring. The hair loss has settled down now and I will just have to deal with lots of little fly aways as this new growth comes in. I think hair loss has something to do with the trauma the body has been through and perhaps a lack of protein.
To wrap it up, I am remarkably well! We (my husband, 2 kids & I) even went camping a couple of weekends ago with the car club for 2 nights. Food was not an issue and I even had a beer! And for the first time ever, I drag raced my husbands 1972 Valiant Charger....now that was an adrenalin rush.....
P.S. Thank you Karen & Cindy, I really appreciate and value your feedback and comments.x
Thursday, January 14, 2010
6 Months Post-Op
I still have some drama from time to time. That feeling of food 'getting stuck' as it is on its way down still occurs. I little bit of regurgitation later and I feel back on track and able to finish my food. I have decided that the best way to beat this is to remain calm, relaxed and stress free whenever I approach food. Every time I am in a relaxed state, food is my friend. The moment I let a little stress or tension take over my body, the drama begins. (Even the tiniest amount of stress can cause problems). And I love eating out! No stress there....no need to decide what to cook, when to cook it, prepare the food, present it, do dishes or clean up.....!
I have dropped another kilo since my last post and have now maintained 60 kilos (132 pounds) for about 6 weeks. My perfect weight! Smack bang in the middle of my recommended BMI range, and also my goal weight. I am a little obsessed with weighing myself each morning and I record my weight in my diary every Tuesday.
I have been managing to get to the gym about twice a week, where I really enjoy the Pump (weight training) and Combat (martial arts style workout) Classes. I endeavour to become a little more disciplined in attending at least 2 regular classes per week.
Still staying up way too late at night. This will need to change dramatically within the next couple of weeks as my son Cooper starts school at the end of the month and I will need to up bright & early and out the door each day at 8.30am! The trouble with staying up so late is that by mid afternoon, I am in desperate need of a nap, barely able to keep my eyes open, even more so by the third or fourth day. And then as soon as I have a nap, I am not able to get to sleep at a reasonable hour, and thus the cycle continues.
Still not able to drink water with ease. I have discovered that a can of Coke goes down really well; not a good habit I intend on keeping. (I never drank Coke prior to the surgery). I am also drinking the kids Popper Juice at the moment (no more than 1 a day) as it seems to quench my thirst (250ml Pine Orange Juice in a box). Have had 3 cups of coffee in 6 months (BIG deal for a 2 cup a day lady....) and have completely gone off tea. I can't really remember the last time I drank any sustagen or gatorade....have just been getting on with living!
Work wise, I have stepped down as a manager, which relieves a lot of pressure, however I am continuing to be a very active Tupperware Demonstrator. My goal is to average 2 parties per week so that I can pay for my childrens private schooling. This is a very achievable goal and a comfortable one too that I feel I will be able to manage physically.
I made a doctors appointment for Monday; just thought that I might get a blood test to see where my B12 and Iron levels are at now that I have reached this little 6 month 'mile stone'.
I think I have covered everything! Had a wonderful Christmas & New Years break with a lovely holiday to Noosa on the Sunshine Coast with my family. And its also where I decided that my goal for 2010 if to remain relaxed and stress free. (Mainly for my own healths sake, but also for my family). I am now really looking forward to my journey through the 'next 6 months'.
Happy New Year!
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