Tuesday, July 21, 2009

'One week later....'

I had a mini melt down last Tuesday, 14th July 2009; but it wasn't until I had been admitted into the hospital and went up to the theatre department and started changing into my 'theatre robe'. There were a few tears as I waited on the theatre trolley and as I said good bye to Mark as I was wheeled away to theatre.....I barely remember Tuesday evening. I know Mark was there, holding my hand. I barely remember Wednesday and Thursday either....Friday was a really crappy day. I was connected to sooooo many different things; the nasal gastric tube was really uncomfortable, a catherdar, drainage tube, feeding tube, canular drip with fluids and morphene. I think I was really 'aware' of eveything Friday; but I just kept thinking that today will be over soon, and every new day will be different and I will be a little brighter and stronger.

Mark visited every night except Sunday - he deserved a night off. No, I did not make it out by the weekend. I came home last night, Tuesday 21st July 09 at about 6.30pm. It was so much more comfortable being at home to sleep. So, out on day 8. (The doctors wanted me to stay until this morning but I just didn't want to spend another night in.....). Sunday was a lovely day of rest, and a day of getting rid of most of my attachments, with the remainder coming off, or out, Monday morning. I showered myself both Sunday and Monday mornings....I even washed my hair Monday - that felt great! And getting into my own PJ's certainly felt great too.

My belly looks fine....3 tiny incisions which are uncovered and healing beautifully - they look like fine scratches. The 4th incision is 7cms long, running across the left mid section of my belly, and again is uncovered and healing well. The drain sight is covered - this one may take a little while to heal. I also have a tiny feeding tube inserted into my lower bowl that I am to carry around with me for the next 6 weeks....more on that one later.

I almost cried when mum rang me in hospital yesterday and I said "I'm eating...". I'm eating! Yes, I am eating; today I had a vitabrit (cereal), some yoghurt, a boiled egg, some roasted vegies....not much, but I know that this will improve. Don't want to stay up too late so I will wrap it up for now. I am a little amazed that the only pain killers I have to take are some soluble panadol when I need it....will go and do that now.x

Friday, July 10, 2009

A toast......

We all went out for dinner tonight......Mark (my husband), the kids & I. When our drinks arrived, Mark & I toasted to 'my last restaurant meal with a stomach'. It still doesn't feel real. Every now and then I catch myself 'daydreaming' about what I will 'feel like' next week, laying in the hospital bed, wondering, how much pain will I really be in....? My goal is to be out by the weekend...we'll see how my body reacts. I pick up my in-laws from the airport on Monday; they will be here for 2 weeks. The day they leave is the day my sister-in-law arrives. It is actually very reassuring to me knowing that someone will be living in our home and taking care of Mark & the kids for me, for 3 weeks. Mark's family is so very generous and un-selfish in this regard. And my mum is just around the corner....and she would do anything to help out where she can. I managed to have my blood tests on Thursday afternoon when I picked up my beautiful sister Trudy from the hospital. She had a gorgeous baby boy on Wednesday morning and I was fortunate enough to have the honour of being with her through the delivery. It was the most remarkable experience! One that I will cherish forever.... I did my last Tupperware party today and it was really lovely. I really enjoyed it! I punched all the orders this afternoon so I might even get a chance to clean the oven tomorrow..... after I wash the car and do the floors, the dusting and attack that huge pile of ironing!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

One week to go.....

I rang the hospital today to confirm that I have confirmed my surgery.....what the? I have no idea why I did that. I started drinking the Nestle 'Impact Advanced Recovery' Pre-Surgery nutritional drinks today. The dietitian from the Royal Brisbane & Womens Hospital sent them to me....they taste like a thicker version of Sustagen. Luckily, I like Sustagen. Even though I have had quite some time to prepare, I seem to be cramming a lot into this week. Finalising work issues, haircuts for the kids, vet check for the dog (he even got a bath on the weekend!), waxing, tinting, grocery shopping; I've even done some Christmas shopping and have the kids birthday gifts sorted! Need to finalise my tax and clean the oven. I have eaten at my favourite restaurants and had my favourite take-aways, twice. I enjoyed mum's Pierogi's (a traditional Polish dish of cabbage, potato & noodle), twice. I've had plenty of white wine and beer, and too many packets of cheese & onion chips. Needless to say, I have gained 10 kilos. (I worry now that this may hinder my recovery in some way). I must remember to have my blood tests on Friday. I wonder when this is all going to sink in...................